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Muhammad Fa'iq Novriadi

Passionate software developer who focuses on web development, especially on the Front-End side using some of the latest technologies such as TailwindCSS, VueJs, ReactJs, and Laravel. Looking for opportunities to have new experiences and be able to collaborate on real projects with many people to create valuable products.


Collaborating and adapting with various teams to apply my expertise in creating valuable products.

PT Mitra Informatika

Full Time


2023 (1 year 6 months)

Frontend Web Developer

  • Develop and maintain multiple web applications using ExtJS and Nuxt.js.
  • Implement ExtJS components for enterprise-level applications to enhance UI efficiency.
  • Collaborate with UI/UX designers to improve user experience.
  • Work closely with the backend team to integrate APIs and other services.
  • Refactor existing code and fix bugs to ensure application stability.




2022 (6 months)

IT Staff

  • Creating several HTML Email template for notification using Laravel Blade
  • Implement health facility data on WordPress platform
  • Support data migration in finance division


Showcasing several projects I have contributed to.

Disclaimer: The projects showcased in this section use dummy data (non-confidential).

INEOM Enterprise Asset Management

NEOM EAM is the main product of my company, featuring multiple modules for Asset Management, Workforce Management, Ticketing Systems, and more.


AEBS Installation Dashboard

Developed a dashboard interface to monitor and report the installation progress of the AEBS (Advanced Emergency Braking System) in hundreds of dump trucks for a mining company in South Kalimantan.


Fleet Management System

Built a prototype of a Fleet Management System application to monitor the status of electric vehicles (location, speed, battery level, etc.) as part of the company's research and development efforts.

Nuxt.jsTailwindCSSGMaps APIMQTT

IoT Tracer Hub

Building an application to monitor real-time network services provided by Telkomsel from the perspective of the devices used by its clients.
